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Justification of the development parameters of personal subsidiary farms while ensuring the rational use of state support funds


The article presents the basic economic and mathematical model for substantiating the development parameters of personal subsidiary plots of the republic, taking into account the various levels of state support. the advantage and novelty of the developed model is the justification of the rational use of budget funds to ensure the optimal development of one of the spheres of the agricultural sector of the economy of the Republic of belarus. in justifying the initial information, the current state of personal subsidiary farms and the tendencies of their development in modern conditions are taken into account. When comparing the main indicators of the activity of private farms for various variants of the forecast with the actual, a decrease in the growth rate of production per unit area with an increase in the level of state support was established. thus, the existing production potential of personal subsidiary farms limits the maximum volumes of production with an increase in its efficiency. after a certain limit, the recoupment of financial resources invested in private farms decreases.

About the Author

Alexander Gaidukov
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy


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For citations:

Gaidukov A. Justification of the development parameters of personal subsidiary farms while ensuring the rational use of state support funds. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(10):48-53. (In Russ.)

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