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Management of the level of the organization of packing production as a factor of increase of efficiency of the overworking enterprises


Article is devoted to construction and the analysis of models for management of the level of the organization of packing production in the context of increase of efficiency of the overworking enterprises on the example of dairy branch. Factors directly or indirectly influencing an organizational technological level and efficiency of the enterprises of dairy branch are in detail considered. Impact which is exerted by the level of the organization of packing production and technological effectiveness of packing on efficiency of the enterprises of dairy branch is emphasized. In work it is noted that the offered system of the equations in total with indicators of an integrated assessment of technological effectiveness of packing gives the chance to receive an assessment of organizational and production level of the enterprises in dynamics.

About the Author

Nadzeya Trusevich
Belarusian State Technological University


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For citations:

Trusevich N. Management of the level of the organization of packing production as a factor of increase of efficiency of the overworking enterprises. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(5):44-49. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)