
Agrarian Economics

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A role of feed base and mixed fodder industry is in organization of industrial livestock of Kazakhstan


The issues of organization of the feed base and the feed mill industry for the recovery of industrial animal husbandry in the country are considered. The production of mixed feeds in foreign countries, the activity of compound feed companies and societies, the development and improvement of recipes for poultry and livestock farms are covered. For Kazakhstan, the increase in livestock production is one of the tasks, and the main condition for its implementation is the organization of industrial animal husbandry, associated with the strengthening of the feed base and the effective development of the feed industry.

About the Authors

Salima Mizanbekova
Kazakh National Agrarian University

Gulmira Nurmanbekova
Kazakh National Agrarian University

Ilyas Mizanbekov
Kazakh National Agrarian University


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For citations:

Mizanbekova S., Nurmanbekova G., Mizanbekov I. A role of feed base and mixed fodder industry is in organization of industrial livestock of Kazakhstan. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(4):60-67. (In Russ.)

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