
Agrarian Economics

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Imitative modeling as a modern tool for forming a machine-tractor park.


In the article, the authors describe the simulation as a tool to increase the flexibility of the model for the formation of the machine and tractor fleet (MTP). There is a historical background on the evolution of the definition and application of imitation methods. The authors show the advantages of applying this approach to the formation of MTP in combination with traditional ones. There is a model for the verification of the production plan of the agricultural enterprise, taking into account the use of simulation modeling.

About the Authors

Anna Aletdinova
Novosibirsk State Technical University

Aleksandr Lenskiy
SPC NAS of Belarus on Agricultural Mechanization

Yana Tsybina
Novosibirsk State Technical University


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For citations:

Aletdinova A., Lenskiy A., Tsybina Ya. Imitative modeling as a modern tool for forming a machine-tractor park. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(3):48-54. (In Russ.)

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