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Main trends of production and factors of decrease material consumption of cattle breeding products.


The main purpose of the article is to reveal the possibility of transferring the meat cattle breeding industry in the agricultural organizations of Belarus on a stable profitable basis. Annually for industrial processing (meatprocessing plants) not less than 500 thousand tons of cattle which considerable part have low quality standards are delivered. The maintenance of animals in conditions of insufficient provision of livestock with feed and low quality of forage leads to a significant overspending of feed per unit of live weight of cattle and a significant increase in the material capacity of the increase in live weight of animals. In the structure of material consumption of products feed costs can reach up to 90%, which essentially largely determines the level of production cost of live weight gain. In turn, the value of the cost directly affects the level of profitability of the industry.An indepth study of the dynamic changes in the material intensity of production of cattle breeding in the APC “Agrokombinat “Snov” Nesvizh district revealed possible reserves of material cost savings. In this agricultural organization, unlike many other farms, the cultivation of meat livestock for the period 2015-2017 was steadily profitable industry. The experience of Agrokombinat “Snov” showed that the possibilities of positive development of meat cattle breeding in agricultural organizations of Belarus are not limited.

About the Author

Boris Shundalov
Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture


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For citations:

Shundalov B. Main trends of production and factors of decrease material consumption of cattle breeding products. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(3):32-42. (In Russ.)

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