
Agrarian Economics

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Economic efficiency from the use of nitrogen-sulfur-containing and polynutrient fertilizers in the technology of cultivation of potatoes, onions and cabbage on sod-podzolic friable sandy soils


The article presents the economic efficiency of using different forms of ammonium sulphate (fine crystalline, granulated, granulated with hydrohumate plant growth regulator) and polynutrient fertilizers with sulfur, boron and copper in the cultivation of potatoes, onions and cabbage on sod-podzolic friable sandy soil. It shows the effect of fertilizers on yield, product quality, production costs for their cultivation, the cost of 1 ton of products, net income and profitability.

About the Authors

Halina Pirohovskaya
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Dmitry Myslivets
farm "Horizon"

Olesia Isayeva
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Aleksandr Karnel

Ivan Sidorov


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For citations:

Pirohovskaya H., Myslivets D., Isayeva O., Karnel A., Sidorov I. Economic efficiency from the use of nitrogen-sulfur-containing and polynutrient fertilizers in the technology of cultivation of potatoes, onions and cabbage on sod-podzolic friable sandy soils. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(2):51-60. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)