
Agrarian Economics

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World practice with respect to the support of producers and exporters of agricultural products and food


The article deals with the international practice of domestic support of producers and exporters of agricultural products and foodstuffs. Special attention is given to the measures of financial support for agriculture in economically developed countries such as the EU, US and Canada. The issues of export incentive in the context of the international laws of foreign trade are considered.

About the Author

Stanislau Buben
Department of Agricultural Policy of the Eurasian Economic Commission


1. Научные основы сбалансированности агропромышленной стратегии Беларуси в Евразийском экономическом союзе / В. Г. Гусаков [и др.] // НАН Беларуси, Институт системных исследований в АПК НАН Беларуси. - Минск: Беларуская навука, 2015. - 259 с.

2. Результаты Уругвайского раунда многосторонних торговых переговоров: правовые тексты. - М.: МАИК «Наука / Интерпериодика», 2002. - 498 с.

3. Государственная поддержка экспорта: зарубежный опыт и российская практика: монография / А. Н. Спартак [и др.]. - М.: Экономика, 2008. - 288 с.

4. European commission. Official web-site [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: Date of access: 15.12.2015.

5. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Official web-site [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 11.01.2016.

6. World trade organization (WTO). Official web-site [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: Date of access: 05.01.2016.


For citations:

Buben S. World practice with respect to the support of producers and exporters of agricultural products and food. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(4):51-58. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)