
Agrarian Economics

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Optimization of basic elements of farming systems using precision farming


The article considers the elements of exact farming, as well as software and hardware used to obtain spatially oriented data on agricultural fields. Spatial heterogeneity of lands is not permanent, they are formed as a result of changes in physico-chemical and biological indicators of the soil environment. The spatial heterogeneity of agricultural crops is the resultant in relation to the state of the soil cover and the microclimate associated with the initial variety of seed material. Variations in the state of crops and soil environment are due to the presence of areas with unequal levels of fertility. It is necessary to select indicators that allow obtaining information for differentiating land on relatively homogeneous work areas in order to choose the optimal technological solutions for precision farming for the latter.

For citations:

Raubo V., Osnovin S., Maltsevich N., Ruskevich G., Kireikov A. Optimization of basic elements of farming systems using precision farming. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(10):29-35. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)