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Economic evaluation methods of irrigation of crops


It is shown that the use of general economic indicators cultivation of crop products (costs, margins and profits) in choosing the method of irrigation and the construction of the irrigation system is not always possible to answer unequivocally the question - what is the design of the irrigation system is most effective in a particular case. Ambiguity in the justification of the choice of the construction of the irrigation system can be eliminated by using the index of economic efficiency of irrigation, which is the ratio of revenue from the sale of yield increase obtained by irrigation to the overall costs incurred to obtain this gain (in the irrigation system maintenance, conducting irrigation, cleaning, transportation, revision, storage and sale of yield increase).

About the Author

Anatol Likhatsevich
Land Reclamation Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


1. ТКП/ПР 45-3.04.2009 (02250) Оросительные системы. Правила проектирования. - Введ. 29.12.2009. - Минск, 2010. - 74 с.

2. Дудка, В. Экономика выращивания кукурузы на капельном орошении / В. Дудка [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа 17.09.2015.


For citations:

Likhatsevich A. Economic evaluation methods of irrigation of crops. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(4):31-38. (In Russ.)

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