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Evaluation of export potential of fisheries industry development in Kazakhstan


The development of the fishing industry as one of the main components of Kazakhstan’s economic development and its export potential in the conditions of the market is very important. In recent years, the world has significantly increased consumer demand for seafood, such as: fresh fish, frozen fish, fish products and seafood. The propensity of the population to consume fish food can be explained by the desire to eat ecologically clean, safe products rich in nutrients, so in international practice, fish occupies one of the key positions in the healthy food program. Today almost all countries of the world are involved in import-export operations.The scientific literature considers the fishing industry as a sphere of vital import substitution and unique nuances. The export potential of the fishing industry means the state’s ability to export the fish products that are available or produced by it.Based on the analysis of the export and import of the fish industry, positive aspects of geographic location have been assessed to serve the growing traditional markets in the country. To determine the problems and prospects for further development of the country’s fish industry, the volume of products (works, services) of fisheries and aquaculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the share in the GDP of the sphere «Rural, forestry and fisheries», imports into Kazakhstan and exports from Kazakhstan fresh, frozen fish in recent years. The significance of the development of the fishing industry is undeniable, both for implementing market reforms in general, and for providing the most effective aspects of using the potential of Kazakhstan, in particular. So, with the enormous natural opportunities of Kazakhstan, the potential of the agro-industrial complex can be fully realized only through effective access to world markets, which emphasizes the importance of the role and place of the fishing industry.

About the Authors

Shakizada Niyazbekova
Moscow University named after S. Witte

Konstantin Bunevich
Moscow University named after S. Witte

Oxana Nazarenko
Moscow University named after S. Witte

Tatyana Blokchina
Moscow University named after S. Witte

Bazarkul Bekbenbetova
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Luiza Moldashbayeva
Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilev

Tatyana Kuznetsova
Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilev


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For citations:

Niyazbekova Sh., Bunevich K., Nazarenko O., Blokchina T., Bekbenbetova B., Moldashbayeva L., Kuznetsova T. Evaluation of export potential of fisheries industry development in Kazakhstan. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(6):51-60. (In Russ.)

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