
Agrarian Economics

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Rural and family entrepreneurship, self-employment in regional aspect: features, problems and directions of development


The article outlines the prerequisites, specifics and significance of the development of rural and family entrepreneurship, self-employment of the population. The perspective foreign experience of realization of self-employment support programs is presented. A set of measures to enhance the development of rural entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus is proposed.

About the Author

Zhanna Tarasevich
Belarusian State Economic University


1. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [Electronic resource] // UNCTAD. - 2015. - Mode of access: meetings/en/SessionalDocuments/ares70d1_ru.pdf. - Date of access: 01.01.2018.

2. Развитие самозанятости в странах европейского союза и сша [Электронный ресурс] // внешнеэкономическая деятельность. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 04.12.2017.

3. OECD Factbook 2015-2016: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics [Electronic resource] // OECD. - Mode of access: 63&id=id&accname=guest&check sum=A196DB7A26C20CF57D929EDDC8CD4D42. - Date of access: 01.12.2017.


For citations:

Tarasevich Zh. Rural and family entrepreneurship, self-employment in regional aspect: features, problems and directions of development. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(5):28-34. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)