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The analysis of a conjuncture of the food market of Russia


The article analyzes the conjuncture of the Russian food market. The study includes the following elements of the market analysis: the characteristics of the development stages of the food sector of the Russian economy, the analysis of the impact of macroeconomic factors on the food market development, the comparison of the food price dynamics in Russian rubles and dollars, the analysis of the targets of the state program for ensuring food security, detailed analysis of segments food market of Russia. The main attention is paid to the segments, the most important for Belarusian exporters of agricultural products and food: dairy, meat, sugar and potato. The factors of growth in production and reduction of food imports in 2011-2017, as well as factors restraining the growth of production, were identified in the work. The author analyzed the level and structure of prices for agricultural products, analyzed the selling prices of processing enterprises, analyzed retail prices for food, and studied the peculiarities of price differentiation across the regions of Russia. The role and behavior strategies of large food TNCs and holdings during the shortterm business cycle are analyzed: «growth - decline - growth of the Russian economy».

About the Author

Victor Sushko
Yanka Kupala Grodno State University


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For citations:

Sushko V. The analysis of a conjuncture of the food market of Russia. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(2):49-65. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)