
Agrarian Economics

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Hybrid Agromanagement AIC organizations in the economy 4.0


The article discusses the practice of agrarian smart business that involves the dominance of "smart" agricultural technologies and produces the need for permanent system-situational correction of management decisions carried out by managers and specialists of AIC based on the identification and quantitative evaluation of a large number of options for interaction of variable factors. It is proved that the proper implementation of the mentioned corrections requires the transformation of the traditional "manual" impact on agribusiness into information and communication impact. The author describes the methodological platform and the tools of "smart" and traditional management in the modern agrarian economy 4.0.

About the Author

Mikhail Zhudro
Belarusian State Economic University


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For citations:

Zhudro M. Hybrid Agromanagement AIC organizations in the economy 4.0. Agrarian Economics. 2017;(5):16-23. (In Russ.)

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