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The economic efficiency of production and sales of greenhouse vegetables


The main objective of functioning of greenhouse facility is providing the population with fresh vegetables during the winter and spring period. Therefore cultivation of vegetable cultures in the protected soil significantly differs from cultivation of many other crops. Content of the protected soil is justified only in the conditions of high-intensity conducting production, and expenses on creation and functioning of capital hothouse constructions, material costs on their heat supply, the electric power are especially big. Work in greenhouses is connected with the increased need for a qualified and subsidiary labor power. Hothouse production of Belarus is generally concentrated near large settlements. In article it is noted that among the specialized organizations for cultivation of hothouse cucumbers, tomatoes, green cultures JSC Rudakovo of the Vitebsk district is characterized by worthy indicators. The space of the protected soil in the organization is occupied by more than 17 hectares, and productivity of vegetables for the period fluctuated 2012-2014 from 56 to 60 kg/sq.m. The industry allows to receive from implementation of fresh vegetables at least 60% of cash revenue, over 95% of all profit of economy, and profitability level from sale of products increased from year to year. In article the attention to possible allowances of economy of costs on production of vegetables of the protected soil is paid.

About the Author

Boris Shundalov
Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture


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For citations:

Shundalov B. The economic efficiency of production and sales of greenhouse vegetables. Agrarian Economics. 2017;(3):53-62. (In Russ.)

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