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Influence of trade and economic relations Latvia and Belarus for their sustainable development


The article defines the essence of the concept of «promotion system» of goods to foreign markets; highlighted its main elements (tangible and intangible); the main principles of a sustainable system; external and internal conditions of existence. The analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Latvia for the period 2008-2013 years; trade and economic relations between Belarus and Latvia and recommendations on long-term development of trade and economic relations of the countries analyzed, which can be taken into account when developing long-term plans for sustainable development of States and their mutual cooperation.

About the Authors

Eleanora Khorobrikh
Institute of Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ann Lytvynchuk
Belarusian State University


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For citations:

Khorobrikh E., Lytvynchuk A. Influence of trade and economic relations Latvia and Belarus for their sustainable development. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(2):29-35. (In Russ.)

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