
Аграрная экономика

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Японский рынок молочных продуктов: регулирование импорта


В статье рассмотрены механизмы защиты молочной промышленности Японии. Описана специфика местного рынка молочной продукции. Проанализированы тарифные и нетарифные методы регулирования объемов ее импорта. Перечислены основные требования к рассматриваемым товарам и законы, регулирующие их импорт.

Об авторе

Алексей Мелещеня
Институт мясо-молочной промышленности

Список литературы

1. Евдокимов, И. А. Особенности производства молочных продуктов в стране восходящего солнца / И. А. Евдокимов // Переработка молока. - 2013. - № 11 (170). - С. 52-58.

2. Megmilk Snow Brand Company Limited [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 03.03.2016.

3. Japan: Dairy and Products Annual - 2015 Market Outlook and 2014 Situation Update Summary // United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 09.02.2016.

4. City in Niigata drops milk from school lunches // Japan today [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 10.03.2016.

5. Trade Map - Trade statistics for international business development // International Trade Centre [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 18.04.2016.

6. Japan: Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards - Narrative. FAIRS Country Reports // United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: Standards%20-%20Narrative_Tokyo_Japan_12-18-2015.pdf. - Date of access: 11.03.2016.

7. Dairy Policies in Japan - Outlook No. LDPM-13401 // United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 04.04.2016.

8. Japan’s Tariff Schedule (Statistical Code for Import) // Japan Customs [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 03.03.2016.

9. Japan: Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards - Certification. FAIRS Export Certificate Report // United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: Regulations%20and%20Standards%20%20CertificationTokyoJapan12222014.pdf. - Date of access: 16.03.2016.

10. Food Sanitation Act (Act No. 233 of February 24, 1947) // Cabinet Secretariat [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 22.03.2016.

11. Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. Under the Food Sanitation Act // Japan External Trade Organization [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 22.03.2016.

12. Act on Standardization and Proper Quality Labeling of Agricultural and Forestry Products (Act No. 175 of May 11, 1950) // Japanese Law Translation Database System [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 22.03.2016.


Для цитирования:

Мелещеня А. Японский рынок молочных продуктов: регулирование импорта. Аграрная экономика. 2016;(11):31-37.

For citation:

Meliashchenia A. Japanese market of dairy products: import regulation. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(11):31-37. (In Russ.)

Просмотров: 298

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